Cleve Gordon
Proud creator of the finest shades you'll ever own. A photographer, angler, and avid seeker
of fun and live music.

Chris Hart
Tournament Bass Angler, Entrepreneur. Photographer, and a skilled guitarist. His expertise, knowledge of and friendships
within the fishing community is unparalleled.
Owner of @southeasttradingco

Clay Guida
The Dude Abides.
Clay is a Wrestler, Hall of Fame UFC Fighter, Fisherman, fan of live music and Owner of @gillzandthrillzwithguida a Fishing + Entertainment Guide Service.

Chad Mendes
The People's Champ right out the deer camp. UFC Superstar, NCAA Wrestling All-American, Bare Knuckle Boxer and Owner of @finzandfeatherzguides @theproviderlife @americanalmondbeef

Mike Pappa
Mike runs and manages both Finz and Featherz Guide Service and Gillz and Thrillz with Guida. Pappa is an avid hunter with vast knowledge on hunting and fishing. A true outdoorsman who puts on the best guided trips in
North America. @michael.pappa